
Archive for the ‘Side Notes!’ Category


So Black Friday is coming up and all of the deals are beginning to be revealed. A lot of places like Wal-Mart, Target and Best Buy are rolling out some interesting deals that I’ll most likely be passing on this weekend.  Simply put, the deals will get better, even though they won’t be MUCH better. Keep that in mind as you go about your time scavenging through flyers and magazines or whatever in preparation for Black Friday deals.

I personally, like to use the website Slickdeals.net.  It’s a very solid website that is basically a listing of reported deals and etc that have been posted to the website.  When you click on the listing, it takes you straight to the company’s website or whatever so that way you’re right there.  It really is a GREAT website to use if you’re struggling to find a starting point but I get lost in that site so much because I find myself looking at things that I wasn’t even looking for, lol.  So consumer beware!! I found out about this specific website several years ago when my brother, Nick, told me about it. Ironically, I don’t think he still uses it, but he may.  He is a finder of a good deals though…THAT’S FOR SURE!

Anyways, it’s being predicted that our winter will be moderate to severe this year around…but let’s be honest. It’s Indiana. When ISN’T it moderate to severe? I mean really??? Amber and I will ride out this winter with Zack and we’ll be fine. I’m totally sure of that.

Anyways, back to work I go!

God bless all of you going out this weekend in search of deals and God bless all of you NOT looking for deals this weekend!


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With a title like that, you KNOW it has to be Mr. Staller in the hizzy fo shizzy!

Random guy makes his exit out of Starbucks this evening but before he leaves, he has to get a few comments in with a ‘cute’ little Asian lady before he departs. He asks what she is drinking and she responds with a giggle and soft tone in her voice. She asks what he is drinking and he responds with a smug, “Oh I got myself a short cup.” and proceeds to tell her what he is drinking.

You might have a few questions though. What were the two of them drinking anyway???

Answer- My memory doesn’t do well with such long names. A tall-mocha-double slap in the face-pull my trousers-with hazelnut-and a splash of knock my socks off.

Yeah, something like that.

I think.

But anyway, the guy left the place, but the lady threw a curveball and said, “See you later.” Now this could mean a couple of things. Maybe they see each other here often, or maybe they actually know each other. But I doubt it. They were talking to each other in that really awkward tone where both people aren’t too sure what to say next.


I’m on the shot clock now.

It’s 8:50 and the place closes around 9, so I gotta get my stuff together and figure out if there is anything else to say for now.





Oh yeah, no wait.




Oh, well I watched a few movies in the last couple of days. I really enjoyed Source Code and even another movie that I had only heard a little about called Black Death. Both of which are really good movies, however you might need to have a strong stomach to endure the second movie. You might be able to figure that out by the title alone, but both had GREAT acting in my opinion and people should check them both out if you haven’t seen them yet.


What?! That took me 3 whole minutes to type out?!?!? No way!

Zack was his usual self again. running around the apartment after I set off the fire alarm cooking turkey patties on the stove. I was more concerned with the cat jumping out a window then the actual fire alarm. The way he was moving around the apartment was reminiscent of a family not having an escape plan during a catastrophe.

He ran to one door. NOPE.

Ran to a corner. No exit here!

Ran to a bag. Maybe I can hide here. NOPE!

Ran to the kitchen. WAIT, this is where the smoke is, MEOW!

All he knew was that he had to get out of there right meow.

Get it?


Well it’s 8:57 now, so I gotta jet outta here folks!

Until next time!




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I’m strongly considering the idea of starting up a brand new blog separate from this one in regards to my cat and my days spent at the local Starbucks coffee shop. See here’s the deal, Amber is out-of-town for 8 weeks doing her clinical work in Indianapolis. So I’m stuck at the apartment watching out cat, Zack, alone. He isn’t a handful by any means, but he just acts so goofy when she isn’t around. For example, today he farted and played it off like it was some barking spider or something. But last I checked, I got those taken care of not too long ago. So the jig is up Zack! ‘Twas you who’s flatulence I heard resonate throughout the apartment this morning!

But in regards to the coffee shop part, it is a little silly, but Amber and I don’t have free access to Wi-fi internet at out current apartment complex so we chose to go a cheaper route and buy Virgin Mobile’s pay-as-you-go internet service. It gives us the flexibility to pay or not pay as we please. So since I don’t want to pay for some internet right now, I drive across the street to a nearby Starbucks. And boy oh boy is it a trip. For example, right now there are two people sitting directly behind me when they had the option to sit ANYWHERE else in the place. They’re talking about school/college, but we all know that is only a cover for what they’re really doing. That’s right. They’re spies. So I am trying to play it cool.

I feel like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible when he hangs from the rope and sweat drips off his nose.

I’m THAT nervous right now. What will they do next? Will they take me to the authorities for jaywalking the other day? Or will they cut off my wrists for other, more sinister, reasons? Only time will tell. At this point though, I estimate I have only 5-10 more minutes before they decide to make their move. So let it be known! I’m in danger. But let’s see how this plays out.

Until something happens though, lemme keep explaining why a blog like this makes sense for me. Life is a lot different these days and because of the situation I’m in…the unique situation I’m in…my cat, who ran into the sliding door trying to catch a bird outside and the people I see at Starbucks, are sooooo worth my time to sit down and jot down my feelings and observations at that specific moment in the time continuum.

As I speak, the spies keep going back and forth about how they’re fed up with the old edition book of MLA format. How horrendous. What evil they speak of aloud! They also seem to be talking a lot about French and theatre. Yuck. They have to be spies. It’s official. Their code talk is beginning to wear me down though. I’m starting to succumb to the effects of their boring discussion on calculus, theatre, French, MLA format and USI’s Blackboard service.

Can you say Snooze Fest 2011? Because I can’t.

Anyways, I hope you catch my drift everybody. I have a crazy cat who blames his farts on others and needs glasses while I go to a coffee shop with Russian spies who loooooove calculus.

Probably because they are calculating their next move. Touché!

Next time everybody!


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I know it has been a long time everybody! Been a real long time. I have just been in search of really good material though and looking to really build up something special, but I can’t hold out any longer. I gotta post something…NOW!

Amber and I are well on our way to moving out a terrible apartment situation and let’s just say it’s very exciting. A lot of things are going to change in our life for the better and to be able to get a fresh start is something so invigorating. You find out who your friends are and you find out who the quacks are. That’s just the way life goes sometimes. Some friendships go sour while others flourish and that is definitely something happening in our life right now.

I hate hitting on topics like this the way that I have but it’s therapy in a way. I’m not going into any detail but let’s just say some things are better left unsaid…out loud to others. Only our family shall know the truth. Amber and I are truly happy though with many things to look forward to. We’re so excited about what the future holds for us both as she gets even closer to graduating from USI.  We have no idea where we might live one day, but one thing is for sure. The idea of me going BACK to school isn’t necessarily out of the question.

A lot of talking…frustrating talking, has been going on between us both about the idea of us moving to Florida and living there permanently while I go to Full Sail University. It’s frustrating because of the fact that the school isn’t like most schools. It’s a privately funded, for-profit, trade school but a HECKUVA good school to go to in order to really do some big things. Every program at that school makes my mouth water just thinking about working with all of those materials, but there is just so much to this decision. It’s something that I’ve wrestled with for years now and I just don’t know. I went to school for television and enjoy making videos, music and writing. All of these things can be done at a whole different level at Full Sail however, and it’s just so appetizing. Any advice would really be appreciated, especially from anyone who has actually gone to the school. I have nothing but respect for something as big as Full Sail.

Some other new things going on include the fact that I entered myself into a contest for Speedway. The gas stations, you know? Well If you go to their website they have a contest currently going on until July 31 for people submit music videos promoting Speedway’s Fountain Palooza. Well I have entered myself into the contest and as of right now, I am number one, which is very exciting, BUT the fan vote is ONLY 10% of the overall contest. The judges control 90% of it. I’m just really nervous because there is so much time left in the contest, I have never won a contest like this and there is a good amount of money on the line for the lucky person who wins.

That money would be mighty helpful in times like these when the economy is nothing more than what it is right now. Terrible. Awful. Horrendous. Sluggish. Pathetic. Cruddy. Shrinking. Slowing. disastrous.

But for now, we can only pray that I have a chance. If anyone wants to help me out though feel free to do so. But I’m not going to use this as a promotional piece for myself. This blog isn’t about that. It’s about Amber and I.

My username is mrstaller by the way on www.Speedway.com in the Fountain Palooza section, lol. But in all seriousness, any voting would truly be kind of you all, but let’s face it, I’ll never know many of your names or faces out there so if you did or didn’t I wouldn’t be able to properly thank you or wring your neck if you don’t, lol!

But God bless you all and best of wishes to those of you going through tough times as well. We all deserve better in this country and no leader is getting the job done. Time to take it to Washington if you ask me. WE ALL need to help each other out too. No joke. Help out a stranger, a friend, a family member. Because right now, nobody else is doing it.

Much love.

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It may be hard for some, if not many people to understand, but sometimes, the loss of a family pet can truly feel like the equivalent of a lost family member; brother, sister, etc.

Yesterday afternoon, after returning to Evansville, Amber received word from her parents that after 13 long and fabulous years of life, her best friend, Buddy, had been put to rest.

Before anyone starts to assume that Buddy was just a dog, or a household pet, let me make one thing perfectly clear. He wasn’t. Buddy loved every single person who walked through those front doors and truly acted with human emotion at some points. I remember the very first time Amber introduced me to Buddy. I had come to visit Amber’s parents one weekend and we made it back a little late in the evening. We walked in and to my surprise, the 90+ pound golden retriever laid with paws out front and face drooping as it always was. No one else was awake in the house. It was quiet and Buddy was trying to sleep, but a new guest was in the house. Me. and Buddy wanted to greet me as he always did. Lots of licking and tail wagging.

Let me tell you something about this ‘little’ tail wag of his too. It was perhaps one of the most destructive things you’ve ever seen. You wouldn’t dare leave a cup or something fragile around it, unless you wanted something bad to come of it. Buddy never meant any harm, but his tail wasn’t on the same page.

Buddy’s heart matched his breed. Golden. For 13 long years he gave the Davis family nothing but love every single day. Of course, Buddy wasn’t always the good guy. Speak the word of ‘treats’ around him and his ears were sure to get buzzing. Buddy had been born with a slight birth defect causing his head to be a little ‘crooked’ it wasn’t something too noticeable, but those closest to him noticed it, and loved every bit of it. Amber was actually the one who picked him out of the bunch. She’s always been one for picking the underdog and Buddy was no exception. Buddy was always different from the rest of the dogs. He wasn’t a high energy dog that bounced off the walls, but rather known for his slower moving, large-framed body that moved with a certain carefulness.

I can recall several instances where Buddy would simply place his paw on a person’s lap, mine included, and gaze deeply into their eyes with such a passion behind them. You would have sworn there was a human soul behind those large, glassy eyes.

To be honest, no words can truly describe what type of dog Buddy really was. No words can truly describe what Buddy meant to all of us either.

One thing is for sure though. Buddy NEVER stopped being Buddy.

What baffles me the most about Buddy is that on the day he was put down, it was discovered that he had been suffering from a bone cancer that had infected his lungs, making it hard to bark. How long he had been suffering is unknown, but what stirs me up is the fact that Buddy, who was a good whiner at times, never gave the slightest inclination that he was in any kind of pain. That’s what gets me, It probably always will too. They always say that animals know their bodies better than what we know, and in some cases even try hiding their pain so they don’t ‘inconvenience’ their owner. That pretty much sums up what type of dog Buddy was though. A dog that loved his owners, who were actually not owners at all, but his family.

Buddy didn’t die alone. He knows we all loved him and he passed away loving all of us.

A truly great dog that will always be missed.

As Amber once called him, Big Ears, as a pup, all the way to his older days as Bubba…we’ll always miss you Buddy.

Greenwood will never be the same to me I know that much.

God bless you everyone and give your animals all the love they need. I promise you’ll get it in return.

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I really wanna thank the girls that Amber has made friends with while being an OTA student. It’s so evident by the way she talks about each of you that you have all left a lasting impression on her. Because of this, you all have left a lasting impression on me as well. I can really appreciate others who treat my loved ones the way that I do, with love and respect.

She always asks me if I have seen the new pics that were posted to Facebook and of course I never do until she takes the time to show them to me herself, lol. Amber really gets a kick out of all of you. I wish I could have had some friends like y’all in my classes. Going bowling with you all was quite fun and hopefully we have many get-togethers left. I can’t even remember everyone’s nicknames from that night. I just remember the names Taco and Spazz…with two z’s correct? LOL. Maybe that’s why I remember it. It had two z’s.

We’re supposed to go mini-golfing right? Or was I just hearing things? I’m ready to school all of you at some mini golf and YES…I can fit in a go-kart. You’re all a bunch of knuckleheads. I think that’s my new word. Knucklehead. It’s playful, yet pretty straightforward. I think you would all agree that you’re a bunch of knuckleheads too if you were in my shoes. My big…clown-like…shoes.

I recently saw some more pics of you guys though that I hadn’t seen before of you guys and your gardening tools. I asked Amber about a certain somebody holding up a Croc…I was so confused, but Amber told me you knew what you were doing and that it turned out pretty good so I guess I have to agree, right?

I saw all of your silly faces and everyone just taking in the day. Good times, I’m sure. I know you guys had some finals and even one that might have racked a few brains, but you have to agree. You all came out of this with some really good friendships. Although I think some of you were all ready friends, but more importantly, you guys made friends with Amber and she also found you guys. Friends are so important and I’ll just speak for Amber on this one, you guys are pretty cool. she’s probably gonna punch me on the arm or call me a knucklehead for saying anything…but trust me, I can read her like a book. Like a short story with pictures. Not one of those really long novels that can get a little wordy after a while.

So seriously, when are we going to all hang out again? I need something to do. I can’t just workout and play basketball everyday. This fella needs to socialize with some other human beings. Talking to the cat is getting a little old. He just stares at me and licks my nose if I lean in too closely. I don’t expect that from any of you…but then again, y’all are a bunch of knuckleheads so I better stay on guard.

Until next time, so long!

Have a great day and a beautiful evening!

God bless!


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Matt’s been giving me a hard time lately since I haven’t posted anything on here for a while, so here I am!  This is OUR life’s special moments anyways, not just Matt’s special moments 🙂  Life is going pretty swell here for Mrs. Staller.  I’ve been keeping busy with classes and Zack the cat.  Speaking of Zack the cat, did you see the pictures that were added last night of him?  He’s a goob and we love him very much…he keeps us very entertained.  Have you ever met a cat that licks your hand like a dog?  Or one that lies on your side when you are laying on your side?  And one that is missing almost all his teeth?  And weights 13 lbs and can barely meow?  Also one that is in constant need to be laying in your lap or on you in someway  shape or form?  Well, if you answered no to all of these questions, then you need to meet Zack.  He really is one of a kind.  Once you go Zack, you never go back!

I haven’t had a chance to write on here about my fieldwork experience in Wishard, so here ya go!  During my spring break I made the trip back to Greenwood to complete my Level I at Wishard Hospital in Indianapolis.  Since my dad works at WISH (CBS affiliate) in Indy, we were able to carpool together!  First of all, Wishard is a hospital that many people who are uninsured go to for care.  With that said, I saw many interesting diagnosis and situations.  Wishard also has one of the top 5 Burn Units in the country.  Pretty awesome!  I was able to shadow in the Burn Unit my last day, and it was definitely an experience!  I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to stomach it, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!  There’s just a certain unpleasant odor in the Burn Unit, but I got use to it as the day went on.  My clinical instructors were AWESOME!  I was with an OT and an OTA.  They were more than willing to answer any of my questions and got me involved in a lot of the treatments.  So, if any of my fellow OTA classmates want to check out a hospital for their clinicals then I highly recommend Wishard!  I really enjoyed my time there, but I can’t see myself working in the hospital setting.  It’s very fast-paced, and I’d rather work in long-term care.

On the other end, it was nice to be back in Greenwood for a week, but time flew by!  Hopefully next week I’ll start to get an idea as to where I’ll do my clinicals for the Summer and Fall!

Over the weekend, Matt and I met up with our good pals, the Hales.  We went to Five Guys then to a Evansville Icemen hockey game!! Hockey games are a blast to watch!!  There was one fight, but it was hard for us to see it…bummer!  But overall, we had a blast!

Sooo, there’s this little old team called the Butler Bulldogs…have you heard of them? I’m sure you have ;).  My Bulldogs are at it again!  Another trip to the Final Four…holy smokes!   If you look back at the blog this time last year, you can see how devastated I was when they lost to Duke.  I thought that they would never make it that far again…well that proves how much I know!  I said that they wouldn’t even make if past the first round this year! And I said that there was NO WAY that they could beat Pitt.  Welp…I was dead wrong!  And VCU…what’s up with them?!  I’m so impressed with them as well, but I DO NOT want them beating my Bulldogs!  I just want this week to fly by so that I can watch that game on Saturday!  I’m just so happy!  I’m also happy that Duke lost….(sorry boo)  But, yes, them Bulldogs may just go to the championship game again!  Every game of theirs that I’ve watched during the tournament have almost given me multiple heart attacks.  So, let’s smoke VCU on Saturday, Bulldogs!

Also, this Saturday, Matt is going to meet some of my OTA classmates!  We are going bowling!  I know that he is really looking forward to meeting them!  We are excited to meet all of your boyfriends as well! 🙂

Well, I better get going….hopefully you will see me on here a lot more!

God bless you all!



Oh so this is new huh? Never have I ever put my voice into Amber’s entry and so on. but I have a few comments boo! Thanks a lot for bashing my Blue Devils and what’s up with the T-shirts OTA girls? Tell me why you would want a shirt that had my name on it and cookies all over it? I mean…what is the humor behind that? LOL!

Should I be expecting to see Brittany, Lindsay, Amber and Emily with my name and cookies on their shirts? If not then guess what? It won’t be good for the four of ya! By the way readers, Amber is not the Amber I’m married to, but rather an impostor! Bum! Bum! Buuuuum!!!!

I still haven’t decided on whether or not I’m going to make cookies for those girls yet, but we’ll see. Who knows? Maybe I’ll make some cookies and just eat them myself. After all Lindsay…you don’t want my burnt cookies do you? NO!


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So today, not much is going on. Then again, it is only 3:30 in the morning so who am I to say anything.

It appears that my wife’s classmates got a good kick out of the blog from yesterday. According to Amber’s words, you were all acting like a bunch of crazy monkeys throwing junk around the room and jumping up and down for what you were reading. All I have to say to that is, calm yourselves.

Okay, so she didn’t actually tell me, but did tell me that you were all reading it when she walked in. That’s kind of funny actually. I’m trying to picture Amber walking in and seeing the backs of everybody as they read the blog as she is RIGHT THERE! You bunch of goobers. She said she could see the blog page up and could tell what it was immediately. That just makes me laugh. I wake up to her telling me that everyone in the class that read it, loved it! That really made me chuckle out loud. But not quite laugh out loud. You guys…or should I say LADIES?! WOOOOOOO! You ladies haven’t reached the laugh out loud level with me yet. Amber can probably give you some tips on how to make me laugh out loud. I saw your comments about my cookies on her Facebook, which made me laugh…a little. Apparently Lindsay thinks my cookies know how to bowl. And how come Brittany all ready assumes my cookies will be burnt? Thanks for having a little confidence in me. I know I said I was a bad baker, but that is when all of you ladies say, “Oh no, I bet you’re not as bad as you think. I bet you’re really good at what you do!” Then you pat me on the back and tell me to buck up. No?

Well fine. I guess that’s wishful thinking.

I might as well turn this blog into “All About Amber’s OTA Classmates”. Geez, you all got me talking about only you.

Your egos will be through the roof before the school year is over with.

Amber also tells me that I’m some sort of celebrity in the classroom. I feel like I need to burst into the classroom with confetti and loud music and make some kind of grand entrance. What do you say? Should I? Only if you guys pay me. No? Fine then you can kiss that idea away.

Now before you go thinking that Amber tells me everything, she doesn’t. Although she did tell me about how many of the students in the class must bring in a certain item for EVERYONE to see…bummer.Don’t worry, you all will get through it and the day will be over with. Just act like you all didn’t see each other’s…items…ehem…cough cough…

Huh? What’s that? You don’t know what I’m talking about? Nevermind ladies…cough cough…

But anyways, this post is more of a follow-up to yesterday’s post I had about all of you. Since I got such a good response from all of you I decided to give you guys something else to giggle about this morning. So here you go.

All of you have a great day and take it easy out there.

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Well here I go. Why do I continue to sign these entries with my name? It isn’t like Amber is adding anything to the blog huh? I mean it isn’t like she is busy with school and trying to do homework 24/7, right?

Well, I’m here at least. Again, I have to give a little shout out to Amber’s classmates out there at USI. She has some of the silliest and fun stories about what she did in class each day. I feel like a proud parent sometimes because she gets back from class and I’m there waiting for her…in bed…sleeping. She is pretty much the one who wakes me up. It usually consists of my alarm going off at 3:30pm and me constantly going back to sleep until about 4:30pm. Eventually she starts muttering, ‘When are you gonna get up? Get up boo!” So I have to go with it, right?

Well I better if I know what’s good for me.

I made a rather delicious meal for the two of us last night. We couldn’t finish it all and who was I to think we had enough room in our guts? I made too many biscuits, spicy chicken, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. Sounds good though, right? Well it was. I invited all you to dinner in her class, but she must not have told you. I asked where you all were, but she said no one wanted to come. Maybe I should start stapling a note to her shirt everyday in order to make sure my messages get to you guys. We all could have played some pictionary or monopoly. Would have been REALLY fun!!!

So do you believe me when I say that I invited you guys?

You don’t?!

Why not? What did I ever do to you guys?

Well now you’re definitely not getting dinner invites anymore. Y’all missed your chance with that bad attitude.

Oh and who was the girl who made cookies with Amber yesterday? She comes home to tell me that you two made about 130 cookies. So why didn’t I get any? I know you are making them for others, BUT c’mon! You can share one cookie out of 130, right?  I have a sweet tooth and just one cookie would suffice that. Thanks for nothing. See if I ever make cookies for you guys again.

Amber is giving those cookies to you all isn’t she? I better ask her now. If she isn’t then I will have to sit her down and give her a stern lecture. I have been making cookies for you all every week and she tells me that you all enjoy them.

Maybe that’s why I am not allowed in her car…

I bet she has the cookies hid in the backseat in some packaging!!

Guilty! I got you now Amber. Just wait til you get home after class today. No soup for you!

And no, I have not gone off the deep end…yet.

I assure you that I am of sound mind and ready to take on the world.  You know what…maybe I should make you guys some cookies. Amber really makes you guys out to be some really cool folks that I should get to know. I feel like I should come into your class and make some presentation about who I am. Then again…Amber tells me that you all know a lot about me all ready…Hmmmm….A little creepy you guys. I don’t know if creepy kids like you should get cookies from me. Then again, who am I to judge?

What do you all like? Chocolate chip? Peanut butter? Sugar? Carnival? I ask because I need to know what cookies I will be burning for all of you. Because I have never baked any cookies.

There. The truth is out. Amber is the baker of the family. But I can do it. So what if I botched a pineapple upside down cake. Who cares? But oh well. I ate it and it tasted rather delicious. So no cake for you!

So back to work I go. Be good now kids. Amber is watching you all. I am like Santa. I know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. So be nice and maybe…just maybe…I will make something for all of you by year’s end.

But now you probably don’t want anything from me since I told you I don’t bake well.

FORGET IT! You all be the judge!

I’m out though! I gotta work while you all sleep. PEACE!

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Before you go congratulating Amber and I for being married for a year, just hold your horses! The blog…OUR blog, has now been in existence for one year. That’s right! It’s funny to look back at all of the happenings during the first blogs. It’s this ongoing journal of sorts for the both of us to use down the road.  Amber and I both did journals for one year leading up to our marriage and we exchanged them immediately after getting married. Now we can look back on this blog and see what was going on with our lives and our thoughts following our marriage in July, even though we started the blog the following March.

Anyways, I’m a rambling man. The point is, I’m proud that the blog has continued this long. True, we haven’t put a lot into it recently, but that’s going to happen. Work schedules and other parts of life just prevent the blog from growing sometimes but I promise it will change. I can picture this journal of ours being like a roller coaster ride. There will be months when there is a ton of stuff to talk about and others where maybe 3-5 posts get put up onto the site. So far this year, it’s been a little slow, although I’m happy to have Amber back by the way:)

She returned from her 10-day stay at home a couple of days ago and I was very excited to have her back. All I had to keep me company was the darn cat, lol. What a needy little fella he is, haha! But honestly, it’s nice to have her back. I feel much more at ease knowing she is back in my arms again and that I don’t have to worry about her on the highways with all of those maniacal drivers.

Our blog has received so many views and we can only thank all of you for even giving us a look over. I know our blog doesn’t stack up with some of those other ones that pop up on the WordPress homepage but one day, I hope they do. Pictures have become a bit of a rarity on the site but that is easily explained, lol. For the last few months, I have been doing the blog while at work and therefore I haven’t been able to upload any of my pictures to the entries. I have been wanting to drop a few random weekend entries into the blog because then I would be back at home and able to access all of my photos and give the entries some color, lol.

But as it stands, the blog will only continue to grow. It can really only go up from here.

As it stands, there are a lot of plans I want to put into action with this blog and hopefully, some of our friends and/or family get inspired enough to start-up their own blogs about whatever they wanna talk about. What I will also say is that everything that you read on these blogs i 100% me. This is exactly how I am in real-life and exactly how I would probably come off to you if you met me in person…then again I might be a little shy since we don’t know each other like that. So give me time, lol.

Well over 3,000 views and growing isn’t an outstanding achievement, but in this context, it very much is. I initially expected the blog to be something that our friends maybe saw, or something that maybe our family read every now and then, but wow! Some of the comments we have received on our posts suggest that folks from all over are picking up on our stuff. And I’m telling you…people still keep dropping in stuff about our red velvet milk experience. I don’t know what it is about it, but wow. Thanks for the feedback. Truly.

One major topic out there by the way is the current state of emergency in Japan. I actually have a friend in China, named Sandy, who immediately popped up into my head when I heard about the floods and earthquakes. I met Sandy when she was part of the exchange program with my former college, USI. Sandy is one of those people who cracks you up immediately because of her bright personality and hearing about the devastation from the earthquakes and tsunamis raised concern from my end about her well-being. As of now, it doesn’t seem she was in any line of danger, but with earthquakes that big, you just never know.

Ironic how all of this coincides with our one-year blog anniversary. What a shame. God bless that country and that part of the world. It’s terrible to see those photos of children crying and adults walking the streets looking for warmth, food and shelter. I can only hope and pray that something really spectacular comes their way soon, but with what I’m reading and seeing lately, it doesn’t appear that folks in Japan are all that happy with their country’s officials. With good reason too. Information is apparently not being made readily available and many, if not most, are being left in complete darkness on what will happen next. So let’s hope those in charge get it together real quick before all of this nuclear power and devastation wipes out more people than what has all ready taken place thus far.

As for me, I’m going to go ahead and jet for now, but not before saying this…

My one wish…my only wish for this place we call home is simple. The problem is, it will never happen. That is why I call it a wish you see?

I wish that all of us in this world could not only come together but just see what our actions are doing to others. I know people wish for world peace everyday and it has become perhaps one of the cheesiest and corniest wishes to wish for, but here’s the deal…

So many people are bashing Japan for what is going on right now. Yeah that’s real American isn’t it? Because ‘Japan’ bombed Pearl Harbor lets continue to hold it against them. Lets go ahead and hate Germany forever too. I could never and would never wish this destruction on anyone. Not even my worst enemy. There are families and children without homes…living in the streets and without food. Desperate people who only knew one way of living. Yet when one country is down, let’s all throw rocks on them and help bury them further. I say forget that garbage. Instead of throwing out rocks, throw out your hands and lend a helping hand with this. You don’t have to donate, you don’t have to go to Japan and get dirty with everyone else. But pray or do something that you see as working for this situation. For those of you who pray, who believe in God, do your part. For those of you without a religion you can do something as well. We CAN ALL do something. It’s easy to be evil. Lets not be ‘that’ country. Lets keep it a little classy at least.

That’s my one-year wish for all of this. what happens if America collapses or comes under fire? We eat what we grow don’t we? Well if we’re only spreading a message of fear and hate, than guess what we’re going to get back. Look at your children, your little brothers and sisters, your nieces and nephews and tell me you don’t want a better world for them. I dare you. What if they were walking the cold streets alone with no one to turn to. Would you still be spreading that message of hate and slandering their namesake? No chance.

It’s time to step up and make a difference in your own unique way. that’s the beauty of humanity. We’re all different and we ALL have our own talents. So lets not just use them to make ourselves stand out, but lets use them to help others stand out as well. Those who really need it.

God bless you all.


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