
Archive for the ‘Shout Outs!’ Category


I have never been loud or vocal about my beliefs, which is truly unfortunate. What good is it to call myself a Christian and not proclaim it to the masses in a way that shows God’s love and what He’s all about. After all, being a Christian means I’m taking the “I” out of team and letting God take over.

This whole mess behind Chick-Fil-A solidifies my beliefs that our nation and our world is absolutely lost in its own ways. Living on Facebook. as I do, I have seen my closest friends argue both sides of this ridiculous argument. On one end, because I don’t want to consider a gay marriage a marriage at all, is grounds for the LGBT community to call me whatever name they see fit, usually something negative. On the other side, the community I live in, which is the Christian community, we see things a little less rigidly. It’s funny though, because it seems black and white, but it isn’t necessarily.

True, a Christian does not buy into a gay relationship as one of God’s creation, however, not once in the Bible does God ever tell someone to hate the other. Argue about the Bible all you want, but I know it to be true. God’s never let me down. Not once. My life is blessed beyond my wildest dreams.

When someone from the LGBT community calls the views of Chick-Fil-A hate speech, it sickens me. Someone put a microphone/recorder to a Christian man’s mouth and what they got was nothing surprising. His opinions reflected that of the Bible. Of course, anything Bible related will not satisfy a non-believer, so go ahead and stop reading. This isn’t for you.

I have gay friends an straight friends. I have gay family members and straight ones. Guess what. I love them all the same. I want them all happy and I pray they all find God at some point their lives. That goes for ALL of us. I sin on a daily basis. So do you. Remember when you got angry about Chick-Fil-A hating gays and lesbians? You sinned. You were quick to anger over something that should not have been argued about. Angry over something you should not have been angry about. Oh, remember when those Christians lashed out, yeah well, they sinned too. NO ONE should be arguing/fighting with their fellow man. Not a single one. Shame on all of us for acting out in such immature ways. Posting silly and juvenile statuses on Facebook because we’re so mature and smart. Look at us being grownups and acting so childish and out of line.

I have stayed out of all the fighting and bickering because it’s just not worth it, but it’s sad. So sad. God loves you. Remember that. I know my thoughts are incomplete and not fully developed, but I don’t want to spend all night on this computer when I have a wife and two loving animals to be with. I have a life to live and I’m not going to live it for anyone else. Only God.

God is love and if you call yourself a Christian, you’ll fear what he’s capable of and love him every second of every day in ever single way. There’s always the stupid joke, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. But I’d like to think we’re all above that…hopefully.

I don’t like what killers, burglars, molesters and racists do, but God calls me to love all of them. If I can’t love everyone, how can I possibly love God. After all, God loves all of us, regardless of whether or not you love Him or what you think of Him. God stoops down to make us all great in unique ways. If God just laid everything out in the Bible, then how could we possibly have faith in Him?

There has to be an unknown to truly love someone. You have to be willing to give up what you have in order to fully commit yourself to something/someone else. You’re showing a trust in that person or object that even though you don’t know everything, you’re going to trust them anyway.

Don’t you dare tell me I hate you because I don’t believe in gay marriage. Don’t hate me at all. Hatred is a weapon of the Devil and each of us plays right into his hands when we stop loving one another.

You wanna try walking through those gates with any amount of hatred in your soul? Good luck. I’m not going to be the guy who tries to read between God’s lines, but I’m darn sure going to live my life according to what he has openly laid out to me.

I love you all to no end. Many of you have shaped my life in some way, whether you know it or not. God puts people in our lives that He knows will have certain influences over our lives that will help us move forward, but it’s up to us to see that. It’s up to us to make the right moves. We put our lives into God’s hands and let Him take the wheel, but we still gotta sit in the passenger seat and go wherever He goes. We have to be there to see our lives through.

I’m saddened by both sides of the argument and how terrible everything has become. This whole debate is going to end friendships, relationships and family ties. And for what? Some stupid chicken sandwiches and a Christian man sticking up for God.

Last I checked, God stuck up for us, shouldn’t we do the same? I mean really.

One of my favorite Bible verses:

“I delight in your decrees;
    I will not neglect your word.”

-Psalm 119:16


Live your life how you see fit, but remember, would God approve? I’m talking to EVERYONE. Myself included. Love me, hate me, do whatever, but know this, The Lord is my shepherd. You can only do so much to me, but in the end, The Lord promises me an eternity in his kingdom if I obey his word, which I will do with EVERYTHING that I have inside of me.

I love you all.

Hate the SIN, NOT the PERSON.

I ask you to repeat that as often as possible. Maybe it’ll sink in, maybe it won’t. But it’s possible and it there’s nothing grey about it.

Believe what you want to believe, live how you want to live and do as you want to do, but remember why we play this game at all. We’ve tainted everything good that God has eve made and we shall surely answer if we don’t live our lives according to His word.

Again, I apologize for my incomplete thoughts and unfinished work, but I have a life to live outside of Chick-Fil-A.


God bless.


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As you can see by the cute photos above, Amber and I have a brand new addition to our little family! Little Duncan! He’s only about 6 weeks old and 2-3 pounds. He’s a precious little handful but completely worth it. This is the first “baby” Amber and I have taken care of together so it’s a HUGE learning experience! Thank God though for the opportunity though.

Amber was fortunate enough to find a website, EasyStreePugs.com, that dealt with the business of breeding pugs.  The woman who runs it is a very intelligent and smart individual who understands the many ins and outs of raising a pug.  She was very helpful and very kind and was very easy to work with.  We’re so blessed to have found this woman and that we are now in possession of our dear sweet Duncan.

Since he’s so young, he’s got a lot to learn, like peeing outside and…not messing with Zack. I’ll tell you what though, Zack is really trying his hardest to like Duncan, which I think he does, but Duncan doesn’t know how to play nice and be gentle. Instead, you can usually find Duncan biting Zack’s tail or nipping at his butt. Zack will in turn hiss, but walk away, but if it continues, Zack gives a few good whacks with his claw-less paw and sends Duncan walking in the other direction. Does that teach Duncan anything? Of course not! Duncan comes right back for some more shortly after and Zack just has to repeat what he just did!

One major change in the atmosphere at home is one thing however. Zack is a lot more tolerable and less needy. He’s the same cat at heart, but different. He doesn’t follow Amber around like a lost dog anymore and he doesn’t do weird junk as he did before. He’s just more laid back and “wiser”. It’s like he’s matured with the addition of Duncan and I really like the change. I was so concerned that Zack would start having accidents in the house with a dog nipping at him all the time and he wouldn’t know how to adjust, but I was dead wrong and I’m so happy about that!  Zack is very quiet, very laid back and very independent. I really like the subtle changes I have seen in him and I feel like I can really enjoy him more now. He laid on my belly before I went to work last night and I didn’t wanna get up. He looked so comfortable and peaceful. He never lies on me anymore so I didn’t want it to end, but I had to. This guy had a job to go to!  But nevertheless, it looks like Zack is a different cat and I wouldn’t want it any other way. What a family we have now.

Oh and for all 2 of you that read this blog…

Go check out Bahhumpug.blogspot.com. I promise you will be thoroughly amused IF and ONLY IF you love dogs/pugs and/or love comedy. I know it really brightens my day to see how this lovely woman imagines her own dog on a daily basis. What a great little site it is indeed.

So until next time, God bless and be sure to tell those around you that you love them dearly. I recently lost my grandfather after a lengthy battle he was enduring and have yet to REALLY feel his absence since I never saw him in his last years. I do miss him so much and wish I could have seen him one more time to tell him I love him. So please, please, please, don’t let another day, another minute, go by. Just tell your loved ones that you LOVE them!


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It may be hard for some, if not many people to understand, but sometimes, the loss of a family pet can truly feel like the equivalent of a lost family member; brother, sister, etc.

Yesterday afternoon, after returning to Evansville, Amber received word from her parents that after 13 long and fabulous years of life, her best friend, Buddy, had been put to rest.

Before anyone starts to assume that Buddy was just a dog, or a household pet, let me make one thing perfectly clear. He wasn’t. Buddy loved every single person who walked through those front doors and truly acted with human emotion at some points. I remember the very first time Amber introduced me to Buddy. I had come to visit Amber’s parents one weekend and we made it back a little late in the evening. We walked in and to my surprise, the 90+ pound golden retriever laid with paws out front and face drooping as it always was. No one else was awake in the house. It was quiet and Buddy was trying to sleep, but a new guest was in the house. Me. and Buddy wanted to greet me as he always did. Lots of licking and tail wagging.

Let me tell you something about this ‘little’ tail wag of his too. It was perhaps one of the most destructive things you’ve ever seen. You wouldn’t dare leave a cup or something fragile around it, unless you wanted something bad to come of it. Buddy never meant any harm, but his tail wasn’t on the same page.

Buddy’s heart matched his breed. Golden. For 13 long years he gave the Davis family nothing but love every single day. Of course, Buddy wasn’t always the good guy. Speak the word of ‘treats’ around him and his ears were sure to get buzzing. Buddy had been born with a slight birth defect causing his head to be a little ‘crooked’ it wasn’t something too noticeable, but those closest to him noticed it, and loved every bit of it. Amber was actually the one who picked him out of the bunch. She’s always been one for picking the underdog and Buddy was no exception. Buddy was always different from the rest of the dogs. He wasn’t a high energy dog that bounced off the walls, but rather known for his slower moving, large-framed body that moved with a certain carefulness.

I can recall several instances where Buddy would simply place his paw on a person’s lap, mine included, and gaze deeply into their eyes with such a passion behind them. You would have sworn there was a human soul behind those large, glassy eyes.

To be honest, no words can truly describe what type of dog Buddy really was. No words can truly describe what Buddy meant to all of us either.

One thing is for sure though. Buddy NEVER stopped being Buddy.

What baffles me the most about Buddy is that on the day he was put down, it was discovered that he had been suffering from a bone cancer that had infected his lungs, making it hard to bark. How long he had been suffering is unknown, but what stirs me up is the fact that Buddy, who was a good whiner at times, never gave the slightest inclination that he was in any kind of pain. That’s what gets me, It probably always will too. They always say that animals know their bodies better than what we know, and in some cases even try hiding their pain so they don’t ‘inconvenience’ their owner. That pretty much sums up what type of dog Buddy was though. A dog that loved his owners, who were actually not owners at all, but his family.

Buddy didn’t die alone. He knows we all loved him and he passed away loving all of us.

A truly great dog that will always be missed.

As Amber once called him, Big Ears, as a pup, all the way to his older days as Bubba…we’ll always miss you Buddy.

Greenwood will never be the same to me I know that much.

God bless you everyone and give your animals all the love they need. I promise you’ll get it in return.

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I really wanna thank the girls that Amber has made friends with while being an OTA student. It’s so evident by the way she talks about each of you that you have all left a lasting impression on her. Because of this, you all have left a lasting impression on me as well. I can really appreciate others who treat my loved ones the way that I do, with love and respect.

She always asks me if I have seen the new pics that were posted to Facebook and of course I never do until she takes the time to show them to me herself, lol. Amber really gets a kick out of all of you. I wish I could have had some friends like y’all in my classes. Going bowling with you all was quite fun and hopefully we have many get-togethers left. I can’t even remember everyone’s nicknames from that night. I just remember the names Taco and Spazz…with two z’s correct? LOL. Maybe that’s why I remember it. It had two z’s.

We’re supposed to go mini-golfing right? Or was I just hearing things? I’m ready to school all of you at some mini golf and YES…I can fit in a go-kart. You’re all a bunch of knuckleheads. I think that’s my new word. Knucklehead. It’s playful, yet pretty straightforward. I think you would all agree that you’re a bunch of knuckleheads too if you were in my shoes. My big…clown-like…shoes.

I recently saw some more pics of you guys though that I hadn’t seen before of you guys and your gardening tools. I asked Amber about a certain somebody holding up a Croc…I was so confused, but Amber told me you knew what you were doing and that it turned out pretty good so I guess I have to agree, right?

I saw all of your silly faces and everyone just taking in the day. Good times, I’m sure. I know you guys had some finals and even one that might have racked a few brains, but you have to agree. You all came out of this with some really good friendships. Although I think some of you were all ready friends, but more importantly, you guys made friends with Amber and she also found you guys. Friends are so important and I’ll just speak for Amber on this one, you guys are pretty cool. she’s probably gonna punch me on the arm or call me a knucklehead for saying anything…but trust me, I can read her like a book. Like a short story with pictures. Not one of those really long novels that can get a little wordy after a while.

So seriously, when are we going to all hang out again? I need something to do. I can’t just workout and play basketball everyday. This fella needs to socialize with some other human beings. Talking to the cat is getting a little old. He just stares at me and licks my nose if I lean in too closely. I don’t expect that from any of you…but then again, y’all are a bunch of knuckleheads so I better stay on guard.

Until next time, so long!

Have a great day and a beautiful evening!

God bless!


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So today, not much is going on. Then again, it is only 3:30 in the morning so who am I to say anything.

It appears that my wife’s classmates got a good kick out of the blog from yesterday. According to Amber’s words, you were all acting like a bunch of crazy monkeys throwing junk around the room and jumping up and down for what you were reading. All I have to say to that is, calm yourselves.

Okay, so she didn’t actually tell me, but did tell me that you were all reading it when she walked in. That’s kind of funny actually. I’m trying to picture Amber walking in and seeing the backs of everybody as they read the blog as she is RIGHT THERE! You bunch of goobers. She said she could see the blog page up and could tell what it was immediately. That just makes me laugh. I wake up to her telling me that everyone in the class that read it, loved it! That really made me chuckle out loud. But not quite laugh out loud. You guys…or should I say LADIES?! WOOOOOOO! You ladies haven’t reached the laugh out loud level with me yet. Amber can probably give you some tips on how to make me laugh out loud. I saw your comments about my cookies on her Facebook, which made me laugh…a little. Apparently Lindsay thinks my cookies know how to bowl. And how come Brittany all ready assumes my cookies will be burnt? Thanks for having a little confidence in me. I know I said I was a bad baker, but that is when all of you ladies say, “Oh no, I bet you’re not as bad as you think. I bet you’re really good at what you do!” Then you pat me on the back and tell me to buck up. No?

Well fine. I guess that’s wishful thinking.

I might as well turn this blog into “All About Amber’s OTA Classmates”. Geez, you all got me talking about only you.

Your egos will be through the roof before the school year is over with.

Amber also tells me that I’m some sort of celebrity in the classroom. I feel like I need to burst into the classroom with confetti and loud music and make some kind of grand entrance. What do you say? Should I? Only if you guys pay me. No? Fine then you can kiss that idea away.

Now before you go thinking that Amber tells me everything, she doesn’t. Although she did tell me about how many of the students in the class must bring in a certain item for EVERYONE to see…bummer.Don’t worry, you all will get through it and the day will be over with. Just act like you all didn’t see each other’s…items…ehem…cough cough…

Huh? What’s that? You don’t know what I’m talking about? Nevermind ladies…cough cough…

But anyways, this post is more of a follow-up to yesterday’s post I had about all of you. Since I got such a good response from all of you I decided to give you guys something else to giggle about this morning. So here you go.

All of you have a great day and take it easy out there.

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Well here I go. Why do I continue to sign these entries with my name? It isn’t like Amber is adding anything to the blog huh? I mean it isn’t like she is busy with school and trying to do homework 24/7, right?

Well, I’m here at least. Again, I have to give a little shout out to Amber’s classmates out there at USI. She has some of the silliest and fun stories about what she did in class each day. I feel like a proud parent sometimes because she gets back from class and I’m there waiting for her…in bed…sleeping. She is pretty much the one who wakes me up. It usually consists of my alarm going off at 3:30pm and me constantly going back to sleep until about 4:30pm. Eventually she starts muttering, ‘When are you gonna get up? Get up boo!” So I have to go with it, right?

Well I better if I know what’s good for me.

I made a rather delicious meal for the two of us last night. We couldn’t finish it all and who was I to think we had enough room in our guts? I made too many biscuits, spicy chicken, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. Sounds good though, right? Well it was. I invited all you to dinner in her class, but she must not have told you. I asked where you all were, but she said no one wanted to come. Maybe I should start stapling a note to her shirt everyday in order to make sure my messages get to you guys. We all could have played some pictionary or monopoly. Would have been REALLY fun!!!

So do you believe me when I say that I invited you guys?

You don’t?!

Why not? What did I ever do to you guys?

Well now you’re definitely not getting dinner invites anymore. Y’all missed your chance with that bad attitude.

Oh and who was the girl who made cookies with Amber yesterday? She comes home to tell me that you two made about 130 cookies. So why didn’t I get any? I know you are making them for others, BUT c’mon! You can share one cookie out of 130, right?  I have a sweet tooth and just one cookie would suffice that. Thanks for nothing. See if I ever make cookies for you guys again.

Amber is giving those cookies to you all isn’t she? I better ask her now. If she isn’t then I will have to sit her down and give her a stern lecture. I have been making cookies for you all every week and she tells me that you all enjoy them.

Maybe that’s why I am not allowed in her car…

I bet she has the cookies hid in the backseat in some packaging!!

Guilty! I got you now Amber. Just wait til you get home after class today. No soup for you!

And no, I have not gone off the deep end…yet.

I assure you that I am of sound mind and ready to take on the world.  You know what…maybe I should make you guys some cookies. Amber really makes you guys out to be some really cool folks that I should get to know. I feel like I should come into your class and make some presentation about who I am. Then again…Amber tells me that you all know a lot about me all ready…Hmmmm….A little creepy you guys. I don’t know if creepy kids like you should get cookies from me. Then again, who am I to judge?

What do you all like? Chocolate chip? Peanut butter? Sugar? Carnival? I ask because I need to know what cookies I will be burning for all of you. Because I have never baked any cookies.

There. The truth is out. Amber is the baker of the family. But I can do it. So what if I botched a pineapple upside down cake. Who cares? But oh well. I ate it and it tasted rather delicious. So no cake for you!

So back to work I go. Be good now kids. Amber is watching you all. I am like Santa. I know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. So be nice and maybe…just maybe…I will make something for all of you by year’s end.

But now you probably don’t want anything from me since I told you I don’t bake well.

FORGET IT! You all be the judge!

I’m out though! I gotta work while you all sleep. PEACE!

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Shout Outs!


So yeah…I haven’t done these in a few months I think but here goes nothing.

First shout out that I wanna give is to my brother Nick, for helping me out with my taxes this year. It sounds silly of course to those of you who don’t understand, but think of it like this…I have never had to do my taxes on my own before and now that I am married and living  on my own with my wife, Amber, things of course, have to change. So I got myself up and going and got through the whole tax return process and now…I’m finished!

Nick helped me out with some of the lingo and jargon that I didn’t understand and probably even help me spot out some things that might earn me a bigger pay-day in the end because I probably would have missed them.  So thanks big bro for helping me out as an adult out in the real world trying to do grown up things, lol!

I wanna give a shout out to my sister Rachel too since her birthday was on February 1. I won’t say how old she is, but she is older than me and that’s all you people need to know, lol. But seriously, Rachel is one of my big sisters and she has lived up to the title. She has had a big influence in my life whether she realizes it or not. She is a good example of how a person can get through life’s hard times with flying colors and still have enough energy to put a smile on her face. Rachel knows what’s important in life and acknowledges that regularly. Both she and my brother Nick have been huge role models in my life since I was just a child. Rachel is the only sibling who is still back in our hometown so whenever I make it back home to see my dad, she makes it around to see me as well, and I don’t think she knows how much that means to me. She brings over her kids, my nieces and nephew, and it’s just a good time. I don’t get to see everyone that often since I live so far out-of-the-way, but seeing any bit of my family is always awesome for me and important as well. Rachel is a great mother to her kids and they all know it. Rachel is one of those moms who would sacrifice her life in a heartbeat to save her own kids. It’s a little cliché, but she really is a shining star in this sometimes dark world we all live in. She got herself through school, college, raised a family and still trucking along. She’s just one of those people who I couldn’t imagine living without. I didn’t get a chance to tell you happy birthday in person, but hopefully the wall post was a little good for you, haha. So happy birthday big sis and keep your head up. Our family is way too massive to go through life alone, and I’m not saying you do, but heck, All of us get so separated being such a huge family that we ALL just lose a little contact with one another. I’m rambling at this point, but just remember that family is always behind you and I know you’re always behind us. Love you Rachel.

Wanna give a shout out to my wife, Amber. It’s nothing in particular per se, but man, she impresses me every single day with her hard work and dedication to school and to her future. She impresses me with the knowledge she has in her future field. She tells me things about her career choice that make me think wow, I would have never known that unless she told me. I love that too. She always tells me something new that I don’t know and I have really learned to appreciate that after being married for over 6 months now. Amber is just an amazing woman who knows what she wants, even though she sometimes thinks she doesn’t. My boo boo is one special lady who couldn’t do anything to make herself more amazing to me. She is everything I’m looking for on this planet. She is perfect for not being perfect. You know what I mean? I love you A.D.D.S! Forever and always beautiful.

Well would you look at that…All of these awesome shout outs go out to people who are all tied to my family.

A brother.

A sister.

A wife.

Amen to that. Shows you how amazing of a family I have and how much we all love each other. All of us were raised with such great parents, including my wife. I just hope that all of you who ever meet us can see from afar that we are indeed, children of great parents in the end.

From Dave and Amanda to my parents Jeff and Teresa, you guys knew what you were doing when you all had us. I tip my hat and open my arms for all you guys. Your hard work paid off in the end. Trust me.

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So I dedicate this entire post to my beautiful wife, Amber, who is without a doubt, my soul mate, and the woman of my dreams.

It’s funny to think that when I was a child, I always told my dad that I never wanted to get married and I never wanted to pay bills.

Now look at me…married and paying bills.

It was four years ago today that Amber caught my eye while sitting in her friends dorm room at the University of Southern Indiana. I walked into the room with my good friend Lukas one day, when I finally decided to hang out with the people on my floor, and set my eyes on a woman I hadn’t seen on the floor since school had started.

She caught my eyes immediately I tell you. There she was wearing some rather nice clothing, which I still remember in detail to this day, while reading an issue of People Magazine.  After saying hello to each other, I quickly turned to my friend Lukas and asked him, “Who is SHE?”

Yeah, I thought Amber was quite beautiful. Ah heck, she was hot!

She still is too. This girl was unlike any girl I had ever seen before. She looked smart, looked good and had such an easy personality to work with. We both learned very quickly that our love for sports was not only ironic, but something special. Amber had played basketball her whole life while I had been playing since I was in fifth grade. Although I will go out on a limb and say she got more playing time than myself. I’m just guessing, but I’m sure that I’m dead on with this one.

After dating  for a little while, I decided it was time to propose to her on July 27, 2008. Yeah you read that correctly. 2-0-0-8!

I had to wait 2 years to marry the woman who I always wanted to be with. Talk about tough!

Ever since day one, Amber has had my full attention and my heart. From top to bottom, Amber has been the type of woman who loves and cares about those around her. She’s silly, and does some of the cutest things at the most random moments when her and I are alone…poor thing is shy.

She knows me inside and out. I know this because we both STILL complete each other’s sentences. I know it’s cliché, but it’s true. We know so many things about each other, I’m surprised at how quickly it’s all gone.

All I can of sometimes when I’m laying next to her is…what are we going to be like when we’re old and gray? I mean seriously. She’s gonna be one of those cute old ladies who spoils all of her grandchildren and even the other kids outside of the family. And I’m gonna be one of those old guys that plays pranks on all of the members of the family. I’ll still be sneaking up on people and scaring them because that’s what I do. Unfortunately I probably still won’t be able to school my older brother at basketball though.

But regardless…I look forward to our future each and everyday, but I also cherish our present life and what all it has to offer. I don’t get to lay with Amber in bed at the same time due to my job and my sleep schedule, but it’s something that is unavoidable right now. Both her and I know it is more than just that in our relationship. Sure I can’t sleep at the same time as my wife, but I’m there when she gets back from school, I get dinner ready when it needs to be done and I’m there whenever something is going wrong and only I can fix it for some reason, lol.

Amber’s the best. Four years with her has been great, but 40, 50, 60, 70 more years with her would be even better. I’m gonna be all hunched over with a bald head and flabby arms along with my balloon butt, which will become a popped balloon butt, if you know what I mean.


But like I said, let’s look forward to the present…right now…and what it has to offer.

We’re both happy and loving each other more and more each day. We are both working and going to school while taking care of our fat little boy, Zack, but also enjoying the time we have to just sit back and relax. Sitting around on a sofa on a Friday night used to be boring, but now that real life is here for the both us…boring Friday nights couldn’t be any better. There’s nothing I cherish on this earth more than being able to watch tv with my wife in the same room while talking about each other’s day and how the other is doing.

We’ll always pick on each other and will also give each other a hard time, but what matters at the end of the night is that we know that we love each other.

I tell Amber every night…

I love you more than words

Always and forever

Goodnight and sweet dreams

God bless you

I love you

Yeah, we say “I love you” twice. Love is the only way a REAL relationship will work. With God in our relationship we’ll be fine. We have two great families on both of our sides that are there for us when we need them and we have friends who we wouldn’t trade for anything.

It really is ironic and silly how Amber and I came to be at the same school in the first place, but go figure…I ain’t going there. Maybe someday down the road though. Just know that our marriage and our relationship really was an act of God and that ANY single thing that would have been different in high school for both of us, would have changed our futures to something completely different. God led both of us to each other in his own way. Amber just so happened to be in her best friend’s room on the same day that I just so happened to wanna stop by…considering I only visited that room maybe once before.

I was just a step or two from going back home after a really rocky start to my college career and Amber could have very easily gone to IUPUI considering her circumstances as well. But like I said…a story that will not be shared. At least not tonight.

All any of you need to know is that her and I love each other more and more each day.

Four years ago…

It really was a winter wonderland that year.

Every December 11th that comes by will remind me of how it all started. I know it will for Amber too.

So before I go, I should probably tell you Amber, even though you’re asleep as I type this…

I love you more than words

Always and forever

Goodnight and sweet dreams

God bless you

I love you

See you soon boo boo bee bah!

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So many of you may or may not know that Amber and I will not be seeing our families this Thanksgiving holiday.  I am currently at work and had a day off yesterday and Amber had class yesterday which prevented us from doing anything in terms of leaving town.  It’s strange for the both of us considering we have never missed a Thanksgiving with our families.  Since I was a child I looked forward to the huge meals that my dad would cook up and remember all the times I would wake up in the middle of the night only to hear my dad checking on the turkey or making sure that all of the food was set for the next day.  It was always such a good feeling of being home. Truly it was.  I would look forward to seeing my brother, Nick, and sister, Rachel, and even in recent years, my nieces.  I would also try to see my mother when she would come around an see another portion of my family I don’t see all that much.  It’s funny just to look back and think about how the holidays have changed.  Not necessarily for the worse, but just different.  That’s the best way to describe it.

I’m so thankful this holiday season for what I have on my plate though, that’s for sure.

First and foremost…I’m alive to even see another Thanksgiving.  We forget that everyday is not guaranteed.  It really isn’t.  Think about all of the friends and family we have lost along the way that we all pictured would be here with us in 2010.  I’m employed.  It sounds silly at first, but with an unemployment rate of almost 10%, yeah, I’m thankful for my job and working fulltime being able to support my wife. 

I’m thankful for my family.  Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my family.  As old and boring as Peru can be…I miss it everyday.  I mean my goodness.  I remember all the old days when I get to thinking about these holidays and it’s something I will always miss.  I only hope that my child will feel what I felt then and have what I had and still have now.  My hometown will always be my hometown no matter where I end up and my family will always be my family no matter where I live.  This Thanksgiving, I will not be in Peru.  No waking up to my dad checking the turkey and no seeing my brothers, sisters, nieces and nephew.  I won’t see my mother who I rarely see either due to my distance and life just…being in the way at the moment.  I love my family so much and Thanksgiving is all about that right there.  FAMILY.  This is why I tell all of you to thank those around and tell those that you love…that you indeed love them.  After getting out of the gym last night I talked to my dad briefly.  The phone conversation ended with him saying that he wanted to call and tell me Happy Thanksgiving only because he didn’t know when he would get a chance to tell me due to my schedule.  I don’t know about you…but that sucks.  I tear up just thinking about it.  Great the security cameras here at work are going to catch me tearing up and they’ll have it on record forever, haha. 

It’s funny, I kept trying to brush off the fact that I wasn’t going home this season for Thanksgiving, but now that I’m at work…and I’m watching Poker After Dark again…it just hurts more.  I’m sorry I cant be home this holiday.  But I know all of you guys at home well enough to say that you would probably respond with, don’t be sorry, that’s how life works.  And sadly…it is.  I don’t mean to get all sentimental, but I’m am.

My Thanksgiving this year will consist of me waking up at 3:30pm and going out to eat with my wife, who I love with all my heart. 

This brings me to my next one which is me being thankful for my wife.  Without her, I’d just be a lonely guy who has no one to lean on everyday when I need someone to tell me it’s gonna be okay.  I’d be alone this Thanksgiving with no one but a cat…maybe not even that.  I’d be sitting in a room, watching tv, wishing I was home.  I’d also be without a woman who makes me think everything in the world is gonna be all right one of these days, when you and I both know that this world is only getting worse.  But that’s just it.  Amber gives me life.  Of course God created me, butAmber gives me an earthly gift that no one else can give me.  she knows how to bug the heck out of me and knows which nerve to hit in order to make me react, but I love her for that.  She knows how to make me laugh, cry, smile, sad, mad and so on.  And that’s just it.  She knows me so well that she knows my emotions like none other.  She knows how I work.  She knows me better than you ever will.  And I thank God for what he has given me.  she likes to parrot what I say if it’s something stupid, which is often, and  then tells me I do the same thing to her.  Which I deny, deny, deny, but know very well I do, lol.  But Amber, I love you every single day.  Thank you for being with me this Thanksgiving and sacrificing family for me.  I know that when a couple is married, everything changes and those sacrifices are expected, but it doesn’t make them any easier.  You could have made all kinds of cases for going home, but you didn’t.  I guess I mean that much to you huh?  Well God bless you Amber and you family for being so understanding and realizing the situation.

Don’t get me wrong though.  I love my job, but my family means more.  Even if  I ever get my dream job…my family and friends will always mean more.

I thank all of my coworkers for being so awesome.  I know it might seem random and maybe none of them even read this blog, but I want everyone to know that the people I work with everyday make my job so much more enjoyable.  I never would have guessed that working master control overnights would be fun, but they sure make it that way.  I was given a chance to show what I could do and everyone has been so helpful and understanding while I’ve learned the ropes on how everything works in the biz.  So thank you guys at WFIE.  You guys mean a lot to me.  Truly.

I know I have kind of said it other ways, but I obviously wanna thank God.  I was put on this earth for a reason and given the family that I’m given for a reason and put in EVERY situation I’ve gone through for a reason.  I still don’t know the specific answers to any of those, but one day I will.  Even though I miss my family like a fish misses water right now…I know it will be okay.  I hadn’t missed a family Thanksgiving in 22 years and this is one of many more Thanksgivings in the future.  I may or may not miss any more, but I may miss a ton more, I don’t know.  But I know I have family and friends out there who are thinking about me and hopefully each of them knows I’m thinking of them.

God bless you all for everything you do and everything you have done to make my life what it is today.  Thanks to all of those who never liked me even.  Because of you guys, I got stronger.  I changed and became a better person.  I’m sorry to those who I ever mistreated, but again, I have learned from my mistakes and am thankful for them.  Live life with no regrets.  Live life embarcing the fact that you even have something to look back on.  Memories make us move.  They really do.  Times change, but memories don’t.

So as I leave for the night, I think about how tomorrow will be a day to be thankful for, just like any other day.  I have a wife waiting for me back at home, ready to pick on me and show me love when I need it most.  I’m not alone this holiday season.  I still have family, and I still have friends.  I just won’t be eating dinner with them this time around.  But Nick grab that wishbone bro, and make sure you cut the turkey right.  Go ahead and take all the cake and pie.  I don’t need it.  Rachel have fun with the girls and boy at dad’s and give them all kisses from Uncle Matt and Aunt Amber.  And give yourself a hug too.  No matter how bad anything in life goes, you got a brother and sister in law in the south ready to be there for you.  Dad, you’re probably checking on some food dish as I type this.  Sorry I can’t be home this Thanksgiving but just know that the food tastes great.  It always does. Picture me going back for thirds and forths and then regretting the fact that I ate so much dessert. Mom, tell the boys what’s up haha.  I miss all of you guys and wish I could watch them boys play some ball.  I can’t wait to see you Christmas, along with the rest of the family.  Dave and Amanda, sorry I have your daughter 3 and half hours away from you guys this Thanksgiving but thank you so much for giving birth to her.  It wasn’t you choice to have a girl, but your choice to even have a baby in the first place.  You all mean the world to me.  You as much family to me as my own blood relatives. 

Geez, I’m a mess right now.  I got tears all over my shirt and now watch.  Someone’s gonna walk in and think that I’m getting all emotional while watching Poker After Dark.  I’ll just play along though and make up some story like…yeah…I’m upset because my favorite poker player lost all his chips.  That should work right?

It’s just one time I know, but it’s the first time and I always knew this day would come.  It doesn’t make it any easier though.  It’s family.  For both Amber and myself.

So God bless you all this Thanksgiving holiday and remember who’s helped you along the way.  Trust me…no one gets through life alone.  There’s always someone.  So be thankful and show some love people.

I love you all and Happy Thanksgiving.


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So first of all, I would like to make everyone who reeads this blog aware that there are a couple of people who deserve some shout outs after I heard about how they loooooved to read this blog. 

God bless em both, there names are JoyKaye Abel and Katie O’Bryan. I would like to thank the both of you for being such avid readers and for being such kind people.  C’mon you don’t really read this blog that often do ya???

You do?!

Well hot dog!

So that means you both know about my new cat, Zack, and my new job at WFIE?

A couple of creepers is what you guys are. Psht, that is how being a fan works though huh? One minute your drooling over each post, then you find yourself following the author of the blog like some crazed zombie.

Haha, no seriously you guys are great!

Amber showed me both of your profiles on Facebook so I could see who I would be writing about this ‘morning’.

It’s nice to know that while those OTA classes are kicking your butts, you both have this blog to look forward to.  So again, shout out to both you. Who knows, maybe the both of you will read this blog before you go to class tomorrow or maybe you will both read this at about 2 in the morning.  Either way if you read this before you see Amber tomorrow than you gotta say something to her, which I’m sure you both will.

FYI, Amber brings home some of the darndest things like her pe… oh you know the spatula thingy she made that is supposed to help people with arthritis, when in fact it looks like it should be sold in some 18 and over store.

How about the darn it doll? Have you guys made those too like Amber? How about the jewelry? Have you guys made the jewelry too?! My goodness out dresser is littered with her darn it-jewelry-spatula-projects!

WHOA! Went off on a tangent I know but I’m passionate about these things.

Anyways when I get home I get to look forward to walking in on our cat feeling up on Amber like he don’t know I’m gonna be comin home soon. Yeah I see him. Sitting on Amber’s chest pawing her face and licking it while she peacefully sleeps. Little freak.  Then he has the nerve to go and do the same to me when I try to sleep about a half hour later. That little rascal is gonna get it. When I say he’s gonna get it I mean he’s gonna get a lot of LOVIN because he’s just the cutest kitty in the whole wide world! Yes he is!  Oh yes he is!

Imagine me saying all of that junk in a baby voice. Yeah Amber can explain. Inside joke. Sure to make you chuckle.

Annnnyyways if you guys are up right now reading this then GO TO BED! Don’t you know you got class in the morning?!

My goodness. Kids your age just don’t get it. I remember back in my day I rode the school bus. FIFTEEN miles, uphill BOTH WAYS! Talk about a hard knock life. Goodness.

Again I kid with the both of you. As I work here at master control I am thankful for all that I have. It seems Amber has a couple of nice lady friends to keep her spirits up while trucking through some of the hardest material in history.

In the meantime I get to watch all my favorite paid programs ever made in the history of planet Earth. I get to watc hair removal products while Amber sleeps a beautiful sleep. I get to watch ways to make quick money while Amber again…gets to sleep a beautiful sleep. Ya know I’m seeing a trend here. Amber is getting a lot of sleep while I watch a lot of TV. My head is gonna explode.

Hopefully all of you get through the rest of your collegiate careers with as much ease as possible. I don’t know either one of you but any fan of my blog is a friend of mine. Not to mention your friends/classmates of Amber. That helps a lot.

At this point I’m rambling but then again I was born a rambling man. Not much is new right now exactly, but hmmm, maybe, maybe not.

Amber and I may be having a date night here this weekend for the first time in a while. With our schedules and the way I sleep it’s a little different, but we just want to really get ourselves settled in first. Money is steadily coming in from the new job and Amber is slowly…actually quickly getting through this first semester.

I mean for real, just 6 weeks until Christmas?!?!!? Where did summer go?

Anyways good luck to all three of you tomorrow and for the rest of your lives. I’ll see Amber everyday I guess, but to the two of you God bless ya both and keep up the work. It’ll pay off I’m sure. No matter what it is you’re going through just remember you’re never alone, even if it honestly seems like it. Friends, family and coworkers are always good for something 🙂

So goodnight and farewell for the evening/morning. I rambled a lot, yes…but you would too if you had you own blog like Amber and I do.

Oh and sorry if I messed up either of your names, I wrote them down on a piece of paper and then left it at the apartment by accident. I’ll be honest and say I looked up Katie’s facebook just to be sure and then I tried JoyKaye’s but no go! Girl your privacy settings are through the roof! I ain’t gonna steal your identity!

No seriously I won’t.

Anyways goodnight and I’ll be back tomorrow.

God bless you all.

Love, peace and afro grease!


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